3 Features To Look For In The Wheelchair Van You Buy For Your Retirement Facility

As a retirement home owner, you know that safely transporting your residents to and from their doctor's appointments and social engagements is just as important as making sure that everyone is well fed and has a safe roof over their heads. Investing in a wheelchair van is a great way to ensure that you can comfortably take every one of your residents where they need to go. Here are a few features to look for when choosing a new wheelchair van to buy for your retirement center.

3 Ways To Get Your Car Ready For Spring

With spring right around the corner, you should take some time to make sure that your vehicle is in good shape and is ready for a new season by getting any needed repairs done and taking care of a few regular maintenance items. Change Your Windshield Wipers Your windshield wipers probably got a lot of work this fall and winter. Your windshield wipers should be replaced at least once or twice a year.